Balsamic Glazed Rainbow Carrots

Keep it simple stupid. That’s what one of my Chefs told me on my first day of culinary school. Make sure not to overcomplicate it. Let the ingredients shine. Use the best of what’s out there, I’m good at that (most of the time). There’s not much I can really say about Balsamic Glazed Rainbow Carrots except that it only has 3 ingredients, it roasts in the oven and it will make you oh-so-happy.

The star of this recipe is Organic Rainbow Carrots, which were provided by my favorite Chicagoland organic produce distributor, Goodness Greeness. Rainbow carrots have been really popular for the past couple years at Farmer’s Markets but have made a more recent debut at the grocery store. Some people say there are different flavor profiles depending on the color of the carrot. Also each color has a specific vitamin or nutrient associated with it, for example anthocyanin which is present in purple carrots has additional Vitamin A, lycopene in red carrots is linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer and xanthophylls present in yellow carrots is great for better eye health and cancer prevention. So not only are these carrots gorgeous but they are so good for you.

The other ingredients in this recipe are extra virgin olive oil and aceto balsamico tradizionale (aka balsamic vinegar). I prefer Villa Manodori Balsamico Artigianale, which has been aged for 10-20 years in small oak, chestnut, and juniper barrels. It’s slightly thick, sweet with just a twang of acidity. It’s unlike any other balsamic vinegar you’ve had. Don’t even compare it to any of that stuff in the grocery store or balsamic “glaze.” What’s even in that glaze? This stuff is the real deal.

My other tips for this recipe besides using the best ingredients is roasting the carrots on high heat. I like to roast them in the oven set at 425°F. It’s also important to spread out the carrots evenly in one layer on the baking sheet. You might have to use two baking sheets in order to accommodate all the carrots. This step is important because it will allow the carrots to caramelize and roast. If the carrots are overcrowded they will end up steaming and won’t develop any color. Next is the glazing method. The rainbow carrots are drizzled with the glorious Villa Manodori balsamic and then placed in the broiler. You want to use the broiler so the balsamic vinegar caramelizes and coats the carrots in a short amount time. That way you don’t overcook the carrots and they are perfectly sticky and glazed.

Balsamic Glazed Rainbow Carrots really are stupidly simple.

Prep Time

5 min.

Cook Time

15 min.

Total Time

20 min.


  • 2 Organic Rainbow Carrots, peeled and cut into equal pieces lengthwise

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

  • salt and pepper, to taste

Cooking instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 425°F.

  2. In a large bowl add the rainbow carrots and drizzle with the olive oil.

  3. Season with salt and pepper and toss the carrots making sure they are evenly coated with the olive oil.

  4. Lay the carrots out on a large baking sheet lined with aluminum foil.

  5. Place carrots in the oven and cook for 10 minutes or until slightly tender.

  6. Take the carrots out of the oven and turn the broiler on.

  7. Drizzle the Villa Manodori balsamic vinegar over the carrots. Using your hands, toss the carrots and make sure they are coated in the vinegar.

  8. Place them in the broiler and cook for 1-2 minutes until the carrots are glazed and the balsamic vinegar begins to caramelize.

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